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May 1977 Vol 8-2

May 1977 Vol 8-2

Energy & Character is a journal above all a means of communication among colleagues and professionals in the body psychotherapy community at large all over the world.

The title Energy & Character suggests on the one hand physics and biology, the energetic roots of existence, and on the other hand character, in the psychic and social meanings. Character has roots in ancient Greek which on the one hand refer to the formation of the personality in the culture, and on the other hand relate to the core, or essence of the person, his or her unique individuality.


Ebba Boyesen – The Essence of Energy Distribution

Clover Southwell – The Energy Distribution Treatment

Glyn Seaborn Jones – The Flow, the Dam and the Locks

Robert Olin – Olfactory Blocking and Intellectual Resistance, Part I

David Boadella – Maps of Character, Part I

David Smith – Impulsion or Compulsion

Gerda & Mona Lisa Boyesen – Cries from the Guts

Arthur Efron – The Impossible Linguistic Task

Peter Eedy & Junie Morrosi – Two Reports on the Downt to Earth Festival

Jim Cairns – From “The Theory of the Alternative


Stanley Keleman – Kundalini: Psychosis or Transference by Lee Sannella

Jean Liedloff – The Continuum Concept

Danae Brook – Nature-Birth: preparing for natural birth in an age of technology


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