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E&C is now the best known body psychotherapy journal, and the second longest established in its field

David Boadella a pioneer of body psychotherapy is the founder of the first truly integrative body psychotherapy journal. Boadella is a pertigous erudite and widely read author as well as an exquisitely sensitive and resourceful clinician.  Along with Silvia Specht Boadella, David Boadella also founded IIB, International Institute for Biosynthesis, a somatic and psychodynamic oriented psychotherapy, including aspects of pre- and perinatal psychology, body psychotherapy and transpersonal psychology.

Energy & Character  is a  journal  above all a means of communication among colleagues and professionals in the  body psychotherapy community at large all over the world.

The title Energy & Character suggests on the one hand physics and biology, the energetic roots of existence, and on the other hand character, in the psychic and social meanings. Character has roots in ancient Greek which on the one hand refer to the formation of the personality in the culture, and on the other hand relate to the core, or essence of the person, his or her unique individuality.

Energy & Character was founded in 1970 as a Biosynthesis journal and it has been published from then on since then. All the issues summed over 800 articles, 310 book reviews and bibliographic features, over 90 congress reports, psychopolitical reports, and other specialised articles on significant body psychotherapy events.

Energy & Character is highly professional readership consisting of a large number of subscribers, from which around 100 universities, institutional and professional libraries in many parts of the world receive the journal, which is sent to subscribers in about 40 countries worldwide. Over 300 authors have now written for Energy & Character. 

The authors writing for Energy & Character have included the founders of most body psychotherapyschools, including Alexander Lowen, John Pierrakos, Gerda Boyesen, Malcolm Brown, Charles Kelley, Eva Reich and Lillemor Johnson, as well as the first generation of vegeto-therapists such as Ola Raknes and Tage Philipson.

Energy & Character has been mainly among others dedicated to the following themes:

a) Prenatal and perinatal psychology with an emphasis on dynamic embryology: In this subject, we concentrate on the roots of our somatic formation and the origins of our psychobiological development.

b) Psychotherapy based on somatic origins and depth psychology: Energy & Character has always welcomed many articles from a variety of psychotherapy schools. There is a tradition dating back over many years within body psychotherapy that is founded on depth psychology. Body psychotherapists including Pierre Janet, Paul Schilder, Wilhelm Reich, Otto Rank formed this tradition, upon which Biosynthesis is also based. The psychosomatic branch of psychology etc. is also important in this context.

c) Somatic therapy and complementary medicine also play a role in Energy & Character in conjunction with body psychotherapy: In this context we are concerned with a broad spectrum of body-orientated methods, including types of breathing therapy, motion therapy, treatment techniques etc.

d) Social psychology and political aspects: Energy & Character also deals with sociological and psychopolitical aspects of health, education, sexuality and ecology.

e) Bio-spirituality and transpersonal psychology: We use the term «bio-spirituality» to mean spirituality that has its roots in the body as well as in the reality of day-to-day life. Transpersonal psychology picks up on a legacy of Eastern and Western traditions that is thousands of years old. The broad field of «energy & consciousness” has developed into one of the most productive and interesting areas of research, particularly within the past decade. In this field, healers, medical doctors and other researchers have united to establish new evidence and new paradigms relating to the expanding area of consciousness that incorporate the physiological effects of meditation and the perception fields of contemplative psychology.

Well-known national and international entities from a variety of schools of (body) psychotherapy deserve our thanks for agreeing to become members of the «International Editorial Advisory Board» of Energy & Character, which provides the quality of Energy & Character with added depth. This Advisory Board will provide the publishers as well as the editors of the journal with constant advice and support. 

Over 300 authors have now written for
Energy & Character

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